Dream Escape

In the stillness of the night,

Do you hear my voice

Calling out your name

Wishing you sweet good night?

Amidst both hushed voices and the noise

I gently whisper your name.


As you cuddle in your bed

And quietly close your eyes

Remember what I have said

In prayer does your soul find

Release from all the day’s troubles

Relief from the day’s thorns and stubbles.


In the midst of your deepest dreams

I pray we both are joyfully together

Away from the cares of reality

Unaware of time, but only of forever

For only in this can I hopefully

Hold you and have you, so it seems.


Isn’t it incredulous and incredible

That a feeling so persistent like this could exist?

One I never even thought at all possible

To be felt and experienced, I resist!

Great is the struggle, the tension too strong –

Pray’r that’s been uttered for far too long!


Can a song be sung without its melody?

Can the moon shine without the sun?

Can there be waves without the wind?

What is this thing that speaks to me,

That touches my heart like nothing can?

It comes and seeks me unceasingly!


And yet when I try to reach out

As a flower would towards the sun,

I grasp nothing but empty air –

In pain I cry and shout,

But he does not hear

Nor does he care.


So I retreat to my world of silence

Where nothing is seen, heard nor spoken,

Better to have the empty, lonely absence

Than seek for a far-reaching heart

That can never be given!


But here in my dreams we meet,

The only place I dare to visit,

Where anything and everything is possible,

Where hopes and prayers join and meet

Where the world is bright and beautiful.

(West Jakarta, 7 January ’05, 3.30 am)

beautiful beauty bloom blooming
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com


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